I have a confession to make....

October 3, 2009

I have a confession to make....

*takes a deep breath*

I am addicted to foodie blogs.
I'm a blurker (someone who reads blogs but rarely posts) and I find myself getting cranky when my favourite blogs don't update....for days....weeks...at a time.
Feed my addiction. Please, don't tease me.
I can't help but wonder my wonderful readers, if we are all voyeurs who can't help but peer through the windows into these outstanding writers' lives.
They write so artfully, that they draw us in and before we know it we're sharing their triumphs and failures.
Sure, we love the recipes but if we were going to be completely honest....there is more to it, isn't there?
Come now, don't be shy. We're all friends here.

I have recently had to create a folder in my favourites toolbar for foodie pages....and then sub folders within to categorize my fave's, those I am warming up to and those that just haven't proven themselves to me yet but that I feel have promise....

I am collecting webpages just the same way as I used to collect shoes, with single minded passion and determination.
At least webpages don't cost a weeks wages and give me blisters.

My favourites are so well written, funny and engaging. They inspire me to try harder, achieve more and challenge myself.

Then I think to myself, do these fantastic men and women who take the time to post wonderful recipes, gorgeous photography and witty anecdotes for us to enjoy, suffer from writing angst just like me?
Do they wonder if anyone actully reads their thoughts, interests and events?
Do they even care?
Maybe they just write for the purely cathartic release of it all.
Perhaps, they are just so in love with their culinary creations or their childs achievements, even their husbands D'oh moment, that they just have to share...even if no-one is looking.

I regularly suffer from bloggers angst.
Moments before pressing the "publish post" button, I break into a cold sweat. I shake, I shiver!
The little monster who resides quite happily on my shoulder cheerfully points out that absolutely no-one is interested in my life, my obsession with feeding people or my attempts at humor.
I am making a fool of myself. I should just stick to writing in birthday cards, which incidentally noone reads either!
For a moment, I look and listen to him. I nod in agreement. I thoughtfully contemplate all that he has just pointed out. I stare so closely that I notice the pimple that is coming up underneath his left horn.
Then I calmly pick up the fly swat on my desk and knock him into next week......

Ok here I go, Is it hot in here? It feels warm...
Maybe I've got a fever? I've got the chills....

Nope just "publish post" fear again...

So here's a bit shout out to all the amazing bloggers who feed our addictions, give us something to enjoy with our morning coffee and encourage our harmless and completely non creepy voyeurism....
Very few people understand the amount of time, effort and soul that goes into each and every blog post.
So thankyou for the down time, the giggles and the extra few kilo's that your recipes have shared with me.

And to my lovely voyeurs- you make it all worth it.
Thanks for stopping by.
