I am lucky enough to have a lot of very special and important people in my life.
People who bring me joy, sadness, love and some days downright blinding honesty.
These three are usually the ones causing all of the above.
Meet Rusty.
My love, my other half, the yin to my yang, the father of my child and occasionally the recipient of my boot to the nether regions.
After 6 years he still makes my heart beat faster whenever he is around. Whether that is from lust or fury really depends on how much of a pest he is being at the time.
Rusty is incredibly, bluntly honest.
I learned a long time ago not to ask questions I don't really want to know the answer to.
Like, does my bum look big in this? Or did you just put your toenails behind the couch?
Y'know stuff like that.....

I wish I could tell you that since then we've been walking into the sunset but unfortunately my house isn't a movie set and the credits didn't start rolling straight after he said yes.
But it's been fun and there has never been a dull moment....
Rusty is very manly and works with timber all day, he also drives trucks and crushes beer cans on his forehead.
Ok, maybe not the beer cans but he does come home smelling like fresh sawdust which I think is one of the nicest smells on earth!
But enough about him.....
How cute is this little guy???

This is Blue.
He's 7 months old and is the end result of 42 weeks baking, a 50 hour labour and an emergency C section.
Something you never want to hear when you are on an operating table.
"OMG......get a look at it......this kid is gonna drive his parents home from the hospital!!!"
Not quite, but at 10.5lb's he wasn't far from it!
Did I mention that I am 5'1??
That'll teach me for procreating with a giant. Rusty is 6'4....we get funny looks on the street.
It makes me giggle.
Blue has an impeccable sense of timing.
I'm sure everyone remembers the Black Saturday bushfires that Victoria experienced in Feb 09?
I'm sure everyone remembers the Black Saturday bushfires that Victoria experienced in Feb 09?
Well Blue thought that at 10 days overdue, it would be a fantastic time to make his entrance into the world. Nothing like labouring through armaggedon with ash raining down around the hospital to put you in a calm state of mind...
Maybe I should have named him Ash.
Is it too late to change it by deedpoll?
Blue is a snuggle bug, an adrenalin junkie, a little boy with a serious boob addiction (we're holding off seeking treatment) and an adventurer crawling into every nook and cranny to make sure there isn't any hidden treasure there.
He is my world!
And last but definately not least...
This is Oscar aka PuppleDog...
Don't ask me where that came from, Rusty is inventing his own language.
We expect it to be added to the Oxford dictionary any day now.
Oscar has been our first baby for 4 years now. We adopted him from the RSPCA when he was 10 months old.
Turns out 2 silly people before us never took the time to see what a gorgeous boy he is.
This is the most loyal dog in the world.
He is a puppy gourmet, loves fluffy toys which he carries around like a toddler before randomly deciding to hand down the death sentence and tearing them to shreds.
Has a wicked bark but is a complete sook.
He loves me when I'm cranky, smelly and having a bad hair day.
Can't ask for much more than that!
Oh....and this is the three of us together.
I look so mellow because I am still on pain meds...

These days I look more like this

Thanks for stopping by!
you completely crack me up....this is hilarious dee....am looking forward to more...WELL DONE!!!!!!
I'm so glad you've enjoyed it Jodie.
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.
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