I understand if you're cranky with me.....
It's been a while I know! But I promise I haven't just forgotten you.
I'm sad because I had so many exciting things planned to share with you over the Christmas entertaining period, but unfortunately I ended up having surgery to remove my dicky gall bladder instead.
On the upside I actually get to eat the yummy stuff I bake but everything's suffered for a while!
I spent Christmas recovering and just taking it easy. Well as much as you can with a little one anyways.
So I was sitting here sweltering at 7am, after being up most of the night because it was too hot to sleep and I got to thinking about the fact that it's New Years Eve, the last day of 2009.
It's been an absolutely amazing year.
We had our awe inspiring little boy (who is now 10 months old - when on earth did that happen???), we moved from our home of 3 years into somewhere a little more family friendly, I began Not a 1950's Housewife and met all you wonderful people, I decided to return to tertiary study next year (because after all I don't already have enough on my plate), I had surgery to remove my gall bladder a couple of weeks ago.
All in all it's been a pretty amazing year.
I'm not usually one for New Year's Resolutions but I think for 2010 I'm aiming to try and keep on top of the dishes, be able to spend more time here with you guys and get my head around formal study after 10 years away.
What about you?
What's happened this year that has been important or momentous in your life?
Do you have any New Year's Resolutions that are worthy of mention, Cause we'd love to know!
Have a fantastic New Year's Eve and I'll see you next year.
Thanks for stopping by.
New Years Eve 2009
December 31, 2009
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Devils Food Cupcakes
November 12, 2009
Normally, it doesn't really heat up here in Melbourne until December but after a whole week of 33c plus, summer is definately here.
A/C + Oven probably isn't the smartest combination but I was having withdrawals.
Almost a whole month without creaming something just can't be done!
If you've been in the shops lately (ok since October) you'll probably be noticing that it's all about Christmas now, so I figured if you can't beat em, join em and I decided to make these one's Christmas themed.
But I didn't really have any Chrissy Deco's in the cupboard so had to settle with lime green and fucshia ...heheheheh.
Unfortunately, the one thing I didn't count on was the heat melting my icing just as fast as I could pipe it out onto my little chocolate babies.
Oh well, they'll still taste good!
I'll be back soon I promise. So many things to tell you. So little time!
Devils' Food Cupcakes
Taken from my hand scribbled recipe folder....really must remember to note source next time!
1/2 cup cocoa
1 1/2 cup plain flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup caster sugar
2 large eggs (room temp)
1/2 cup milk (room temp)
110g butter softened
Preheat oven to 180c
Sift Dry ingredients together in large bowl and set aside.
In the bowl of an electric mixer cream butter and sugar for 2-3 mins or until light and fluffy.
Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition.
On low speed mix in half dry ingredients and the milk. Mix until just combined.
Add remained of dry ingredients and mix until well combined.
Be careful not to overbeat the mixture or it will become tough.
Spoon mixture into cupcake papers and bake for 18-20 mins or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
I chose to pipe with a simple buttercream which you can find here.
I hope you enjoy them.
Thanks for stopping by.
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Very Vanilla Cupcakes
October 19, 2009
Undeterred, I strapped him into his Ergo and off we went to distribute all the silky batter between our 24 cucpake papers.
About 5 in, my little man decided that he just wasn't gonna take it anymore and wriggled his little heart out....batter went everywhere and my plans for perfect, beautifully decorated cupcakes went out the window.....
I'm crushed!
I had plans to make these little bites of vanillary perfection stunning, to wow you with my decorating prowess.
Unfortunately, I had to hastily pipe the icing on with an 8 month old on one hip and piping bag in the other.
Not the most elegant look but they are still yummy!
Very Vanilla Cupcakes w/ Vanilla Buttercream Icing
Adapted from The Crabapple Bakery Cupcake Cookbook By Jennifer Graham.
You'll Need...
- 2 3/4 cups plain flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 200g softened unsalted butter
- 1 3/4 cups castor sugar
- 4 eggs at room temperature
- 1 1/4 tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1 cup full fat milk at room temperature
Then you...
- Preheat your oven to 170c. Line 2 x 24 hole muffin tins with cupcake papers.
- Sift together flour & baking powder. Set aside.
- In the bowl of an electric mixer cream butter for 2 mins. Add caster sugar a third at a time, beating for 1-2 mins after each addition until the mixture is almost white in colour and the sugar has almost dissolved.
- Add eggs one at a time beating until the mixture is light and fluffy after each addition.
- Add vanilla and beat until combined.
- Add a third of the flour to the creamed mixture and mix on low speed until well combined. Pour in half the room temperature milk and beat until just combined.
-Repeat this process finishing with the remaining third of the flour.
- Do not overbeat as this will toughen the mixture.
Spoon mixture into cupcake papers, filling about 3/4 full. Bake for 18-20 mins then turn out onto wire cake racks to cool completely before icing.
Vanilla Buttercream Frosting
- 200g softened unsalted butter
- 1/2 cup milk
- Cream the butter until light and fluffy.
- Add the milk, vanilla extract and 4 cups of your sifted icing sugar,
- Beat for 3-4 mins or until mixture is light and fluffy.
- Add the remaining 4 cups of icing sugar and beat until the mixture is smooth and of a spreadable consistency.
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 6:33 PM 2 comments
Labels: buttercream, cake, cupcakes, desert, recipe, vanilla
Easy Peasy Pavlova
October 18, 2009
= Use room temperature egg whites and make sure the bowl your using is completely clean or they won't stiffen.
= Add your sugar in a steady stream while beating. Don't just dump it in.
And thats it. Top your pavlova with whipped cream and seasonal fruit and your all set!
You'll need...
- 6 egg whites (room temperature)
- 1 1/2 cup caster sugar
- Pinch Cream of Tartar
Then you...
- Preheat oven to 120c or 100c if using a fan forced oven.
- Line a pizza tray or baking sheet with baking paper and mark a 23cm circle*
- Beat egg whites in a clean bowl until stiff peaks form.
- Add caster sugar in a steady stream and beat for 10 mins or until sugar has dissolved and mixture is glossy and stiff.
- Add cream of tartar and beat a further 1 minute.
- Bake 1 hour until firm. Turn off oven and allow to cool with oven door slightly ajar until completely cold.
- Just before serving top with whipped cream, pureed rasperries or assorted seasonal fruit.
* Don't fill circle right to the edges as pavlova will spread just a little.
Thanks for stopping by
Short Skirts, Knee High Boots & Jodie B
October 15, 2009
I grew up in a small country town.
The sort of place that is too big to be quaint and too small to be of any real interest.
Kind of stuck in the middle with very few redeeming qualities from either side. It really is one of those places you pass on the way to somewhere greater.
Unless of course, your into roses. In which case, settle in, take a load off and walk through the award winning rose gardens.
Huh? No, I'm not being sarcastic.
Where I grew up really does have rose gardens, it's the only thing that even allows our litle backwater to make it into any of the tourist handbooks.
They're fantastic and the scene of many important events in my life.
Seeing the bottom of my first bottle of bourbon and the time that....Oh, Hi Mum...Rose gardens? What rose gardens?
I got side tracked again. Sorry!
Like I was saying....
There are a few things you should probably understand about living in a small town if you've never had the pleasure...
1. Everyone knows everyone else.
2. Everyone has an opinion on everyone else - whether grounded in reality or fiction and will most likely have no compunction with sharing said opinion.
3. Never let the truth get in the way of a good gossip.
In my young, impressionable mind our town seemed to be broken into three main female social groups. Nothing like youth for a truly black & white view on things...
The Matrons - Older, upper middle class women who wore pearls, Diana Ferrari flats and were never seen out in public without a full face of makeup. They were on the school, art gallery, council board and just generally stuck their nose in everywhere and everything.
The Mothers - Middle class women who wore trackpants and runners just about everywhere. Very rarely wore makeup and generally look like they are on the way to the footy, gym or to play tennis. Are normally involved in the netball/basketball/ footy club and for some bizarre reason short hair or perms featured heavily.
Every now and then, they may break out their jeans....but only on special occasions and never with heels.
Bronx Warriors - A different social group entirely. Separated from the rest of the town by the freeway, none of the above rules applied.
There is one factor that all three groups have in common. They all snipe about each other!
As an adolescent growing up in this environment it scared the jeepers out of me - because I didn't want to be like any of these women. But there didn't seem to be much else to choose from.....
That is until I met Jodie Brilliant, the complete antithesis of them all.
She wore short skirts, knee high boots and makeup - while pushing her babies' pram down the street.
Jodie always looked funky and fresh and made me realise that you can still be sexy and you even when you are a wife and mother.
She was responsible for the purchase of a short, tartan skirt (and the following world war 3 with my mother) in my teen years because, you guessed it, she used to wear one.
I wonder if I can lay the blame for my shoe obsession there too? What do you think? Doable?
So imagine my suprise and excitement when we crossed paths again - thanks to social networking and the lovely land of Facebook.
I have to admit, I was nervous.
What if this icon of my youth let me down?
What if she wasn't really as cool as I remember her?
What if she had joined ranks with The Mothers? or ever worse The Matrons... I don't think my poor heart could take it.
Drum roll please........
Meet Jodie Brilliant.
Graphic Designer, Photographer, Artist, Sculptor. Unwitting role model & style icon.
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 12:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: Confessions, Family, musings, random
10 (not so) interesting facts about little old me
October 13, 2009
So since we are still in the getting to know you stage I thought I would let you know a few little facts about .....me!
1. I'm scared of the dark!
Yep, unless it is lit up outside like a race track I will not go outside in the dark....ever!
Thanks Dad for hiding out there and jumping out at me during my childhood. It hasn't scarred me at all.
2. I have been engaged for 6 years, planned 2 weddings and I'm still unmarried. Yes, there is a story to go with it which I shall share with you soon.
3. I am the eldest child, with 8 years between my brother and I - he is only 17 and his youth scares me.
Did I think I was 10ft tall and bulletproof at 17?
Wait, don't answer that!
Incidentally, Rusty is also the eldest. Battle of wills anyone?
4. I don't like cake.
I know, it's horrifying. I think it comes from years of eating dry, crumbly cake (sorry mum) but I am trying to re-educate myself. It's a hard job having to pour over my recipes and decide which delectable morsels to bake each week. But someone has to do it I guess...
5. I haven't eaten take-away in 8 months.
Impressed? It is less a force of will and more a fear of pain. I am waiting to get my gall bladder removed...
6. I got incredibly excited about finding pink sea salt in my local supermarket today. I understand it is pretty much the same as normal sea salt...but it's pink.
This clearly makes it superior!
7. I am absolutely addicted to The Pioneer Woman.
Ree is completely responsible for the dishes still being in the sink today. Try her Tres Leches Cake....Oh my goodness....insert Homer drool here...
8. When I get really tired I say things backwards, sideways and upside down.
When we first started dating I was trying to explain to Rusty that I liked the movie Tango & Cash. Except it came out as Pango & Tash.....
9. For the first 5 years of my working life I worked in the construction industry spending all day with men. And we think women have temper tantrums....sheesh!
10. I love this blog.
I'm still learning and working out the direction I want to take but apart from my son and Rusty...it makes me happy. Happy is good!
I hope it makes you happy too!
Thanks for stopping by.
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Chocolate Bavarian Desert
When you think of Chocolate Bavarian what do you come up with? For me it's the frozen desert you get from the supermarket or when you order a meal deal through Pizza Hut.
A freezer burned chocolate mousse concoction over a powdery chipboard biscuit base.
So, last week when I was lacking a little in inspiration (and sleep) of what to bake for his lunches, I told Rusty to set me a challenge.
When he asked me to make a Bavarian from scratch I was apprehensive. After all, they are still gonna taste like frozen chocolate mousse over cardboard right?
Oh, how wrong I was....
I made these bavarians in the mini form only because it's easier for Rusty to take in his lunchbox but they would work just as well as a whole tart/ pie.
It's up to you!
So Sara Lee eat your heart out....
Mini Chocolate Bavarians
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 tablespoon gelatin
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cup whole milk
170g milk/ dark chocolate chopped
3 egg yolks lightly beaten
1 cup cream
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 packet sweet biscuits
melted butter approx 150g
Ok start off with your biscuit base.
-In a food processor (or in a plastic bag with a rolling pin) crush a packet of sweet biscuits until they resemble chunky breadcrumbs.
-Mix in melted butter until the mix holds together when pressed with the back of a spoon. You don't want it too buttery so just add a little at a time until you get the desired consistency.
-Press into the base of cupcake liners or a pie tin and refrigerate while you make your filling.
-In a medium saucepan add sugar, gelatin & salt.
-Whisk in milk, chopped chocolate (the finer the better) and stir until chocolate & gelatin dissolves and the mixture is nice and smooth.
-Stir a small amount of chocolate mix into egg yolks and then tip the eggy chocolate back into the sauce pan and cook for 2 mins. (we add the choc to the eggs to temper them so that way you don't end up with chocolate scrambled eggs)
I have a confession to make....
October 3, 2009
I have a confession to make....
*takes a deep breath*
I am addicted to foodie blogs.
I'm a blurker (someone who reads blogs but rarely posts) and I find myself getting cranky when my favourite blogs don't update....for days....weeks...at a time.
Feed my addiction. Please, don't tease me.
I can't help but wonder my wonderful readers, if we are all voyeurs who can't help but peer through the windows into these outstanding writers' lives.
They write so artfully, that they draw us in and before we know it we're sharing their triumphs and failures.
Sure, we love the recipes but if we were going to be completely honest....there is more to it, isn't there?
Come now, don't be shy. We're all friends here.
I have recently had to create a folder in my favourites toolbar for foodie pages....and then sub folders within to categorize my fave's, those I am warming up to and those that just haven't proven themselves to me yet but that I feel have promise....
I am collecting webpages just the same way as I used to collect shoes, with single minded passion and determination.
At least webpages don't cost a weeks wages and give me blisters.
My favourites are so well written, funny and engaging. They inspire me to try harder, achieve more and challenge myself.
Then I think to myself, do these fantastic men and women who take the time to post wonderful recipes, gorgeous photography and witty anecdotes for us to enjoy, suffer from writing angst just like me?
Do they wonder if anyone actully reads their thoughts, interests and events?
Do they even care?
Maybe they just write for the purely cathartic release of it all.
Perhaps, they are just so in love with their culinary creations or their childs achievements, even their husbands D'oh moment, that they just have to share...even if no-one is looking.
I regularly suffer from bloggers angst.
Moments before pressing the "publish post" button, I break into a cold sweat. I shake, I shiver!
The little monster who resides quite happily on my shoulder cheerfully points out that absolutely no-one is interested in my life, my obsession with feeding people or my attempts at humor.
I am making a fool of myself. I should just stick to writing in birthday cards, which incidentally noone reads either!
For a moment, I look and listen to him. I nod in agreement. I thoughtfully contemplate all that he has just pointed out. I stare so closely that I notice the pimple that is coming up underneath his left horn.
Then I calmly pick up the fly swat on my desk and knock him into next week......
Ok here I go, Is it hot in here? It feels warm...
Maybe I've got a fever? I've got the chills....
Nope just "publish post" fear again...
So here's a bit shout out to all the amazing bloggers who feed our addictions, give us something to enjoy with our morning coffee and encourage our harmless and completely non creepy voyeurism....
Very few people understand the amount of time, effort and soul that goes into each and every blog post.
So thankyou for the down time, the giggles and the extra few kilo's that your recipes have shared with me.
And to my lovely voyeurs- you make it all worth it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Confessions, random, thoughts
Climbing the beanstalk....living in the land of the giants.
October 2, 2009
Growing up in a realtively small statured house I never realised that I am considered short. Like, really short....
And I suppose in the real world I'm not that bad. At an ambitious 5'3 or 161cm's, there are definately people out there shorter than me.
Coming from a home where my mum is barely 5ft and my Dad is about 5'9, I figured I was about the middle of the road.
Even when I dated very tall guys in high school, I was spared from feeling odd by the inevitable presence of mothers or sisters around the same height as myself.
And later on, just to even things up I fell in love with high heels.
Magical 4 inch stilettos that were not only something absolutely beautiful and artistic to behold but they raised me up where I belong baby!
Ok, so they shortened the tendons in the backs of my legs so badly that one physiotherapist warned me that my achille's tendon would snap one day and unravel right up to my thigh. But thats the price you pay for stunning shoes!
In fact, I never owned a pair of flat soled shoes until my pregnant belly became so unwieldly that random strangers were concerned for the safety of my ankle's.
When I met Rusty, who stands a glorious 6'4 in his socks the height difference never really entered into my mind. Although it did enter my wallet and then onto my chiropractors bank account.
Having to get the crick's in my neck straightened out from trying to reach up and kiss the human skyscraper I fell in love with, is a rather expensive exercise.
In my highest pair of heels I fit neatly under his arm, like a christmas present.
In fact, he still jokes that if I had a flat head and my father owned a brewery I would be the perfect woman!
Anyway, I never felt even slightly out of place.
Until I met Rusty's family.
Spending time with my wonderful in-laws makes me feel like I've climbed the bean stalk. Everything about them is tall.
Even their house was tall. A queenslander, up on stilts.
Rusty's mum Sue is quite stauesque at just under (?) 6ft. She has the kind of long legs I have only ever dreamed of and I am almost positive she doesn't own a pair of high heels, not that she needs them.
My sister in law Jodie is 6ft and maybe a little more, has legs Giselle Bunchden would turn green with envy over and even now at 7 months pregnant looks willowy & ethereal.
I looked like I was due anyday and had gentlemen on the street ask me if I should sit down, just in case....
My brother in law Shaun is almost as tall as Rusty and even Nick, who is disabled is taller than me!
Oh the humanity....
My only saving grace is that Rusty's Dad, Tony is only a fraction taller than me. But he maintains it's because he's shrinking with age and once was a giant also.
We let him run with that, it's easier.
Now dear reader, I understand that your sitting there thinking...."Ok, they're taller than you. So what?"
Let me paint the picture for you.....
Have you ever been in a house where you can't see the numbers on the telephone....because it's up too high?
Or needed to get something out of a top cupboard in the kitchen but there isn't a step ladder to be found?
Ever stepped into a shower and you can't move the showerhead down...because you can't reach it in the first place?
Yup, I thought you'd get the picture.
My height is a joke that never gets old with these guys, and nothing brought the joke home more than recently when I took Blue to see his Child Health Nurse for his 6 month checkup.
Now, I knew I'd had a big baby. I saw photos of myself 2 weeks before he arrived....I looked like I was overdue with quads, it was truly frightening.
Not to mention uncomfortable.
So like any new mother I adore these visits where they measure and weigh and basically decree from a 5 minute visit, months apart whether or not you are succeeding at caring for this tiny infant.
As you can imagine, repeated measuring, referring to records and constantly saying "Hmmmmm" under your breath is not welcome at these appointments.
Just when I was about to break all composure and scream "WHAT???" The nurse turns to me and says...
"Please don't take this the wrong way but your son is a freak..."
Right....of course, I'll take that comment in the positive and happy way it was intended.
I must have looked pretty thunderous because she hurried to mention that at then 6 months old, he was 80cm's long and in the 98th percentile.
Which is a fancy way of saying if you put 100 little boys the same age in a room only 2 would be taller than him.
That mean't that at 6 months old.....my son....is HALF my adult height......
As you can imagine, everyone is having an absolute field day with this. I am almost positive that my mother in law remembers and giggles daily. Quite possibly, while she is reaching up to the top shelf in her kitchen to grab a mixing bowl.
But I am choosing to look on the bright side.
Very soon he'll be able to carry the groceries in, dust the ceiling fan's and take the washing off the line for me.
In fact, he'll probably be able to carry me when my legs get tired at the shops.
Sometimes being short has it's advantages.....
Glass half full me thinks!
Thanks for stopping by.
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 8:45 AM 2 comments
Mini Lemon & Raspberry Cheesecakes (No baking required!)
October 1, 2009
So in honour of the warmer weather I thought it was time to break out one of my fave spring / summer deserts.
If you are like me and your winter baking tends to centre around chocolate...this is a lovely creamy, light change.
- Line a 12 hole muffin tin with foil cupcake liners.

Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 8:10 AM 2 comments
Sunshine = Gardening. The kitchen garden project part 1.
September 30, 2009
Short answer....No.
Really...My legs make the cast of Twilight look like they've just come back from Hawaii...
But when has that ever stopped me?
The yard at our house has absolutely nothing in it apart from grass - well mainly weeds with grass sharing the space and two garden sheds.
Why someone decided to build 2 large garden sheds facing each other instead of just once decent sized shed that I could lock Rusty in is of constant puzzlement to me - but thats ok. I'm used to being puzzled, it's a comfortable place for me.
Hmmm...maybe I forgot to mention that I have managed to kill just about everything I have ever planted before. Which Rusty takes great pleasure in reminding me...constantly...
I really should invest in a gag for him...or industrial ear plugs for me!
My plan is to literally make him eat his words. He'll be grateful when he is eating scrummy homegrown tomatoes and strawberries...right?
Anyhoo...I digress....I do that a bit you really have to try and keep me on track...
So my plan for today is to spray some herbicide on my horrible mixture of couch grass, onion weed and bindi thorns in the area I want to have the beds.
I know it's not the organic way to go but I am attempting to do all this with a 7month old strapped to me so unfortunately I am going the path of least resistance at the moment.
As soon as I have killed all the things I want killed (I am so hoping that I am not setting a precedent for my poor garden) I can turn over the soil....edge the beds and add some gypsum and compost to the soil as it's pretty heavy clay here....
Which apparently means that my vegies will get soggy feet and they don't like that...
I'll take some pic's throughout the process so you can see what I have been dealing with...
I'm also gonna make some mini greenhouses to raise some seedlings....so they actually grow....apparently this works....or maybe my dear old dad just likes making me look silly....both are distinct possibilities.
If anyone with a green thumb has any tips or tricks I would love to hear them...
I'll keep you posted!
PS: I have noooooo idea what is going on with my pics...they go funny when I try to upload them. I think there are gremlins in the blogger server!
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 7:14 AM 0 comments
And he's off!
September 28, 2009
Well, the day has finally come...
It's time for me to spend the day crawling around my home on my hands and knees to see it from the same perspective as my little adventurer and try and Blue proof the house.
Why is it that children age you so quickly? I didn't have gray hairs before having my son.
Well, maybe just a couple but they were from his father, who thought it was funny until he saw my hairdressers bill. Then he stopped giggling.
But anyhoo I digress...
My child might be the singularly most determined child on the planet. Once he fixates on something, come hell or high water as long as it's there he will continue to try and get it.
I wonder whose gene's he gets that from....
He particularly loves electrical cords.
Blue's been rolling and commando crawling his way around the lounge room for a while now, but hasn't quite gotten onto his hands and knees and started properly crawling.
Or so I thought.
A little while ago we collected all the misc. electrical cords on the floor and put them in a box and stored them in the tiny corner between the tv unit and one of our armchairs. Blue watched us the whole time...we thought nothing of it.
This morning after a bit of a rough night I put Blue on the floor with his toys and Yo Gabba Gabba and bolted into the kitchen for a much needed caffeine fix and when I came back....not a Blue to be seen.
Now, if you've got kids you'll know the feeling you get when you realise that no-one has come and taken your child but your heart jumps into your throat all the same...
So here I am, calmly trying to workout where my son could possibly have gone when I hear rustling and giggling coming from the corner of the lounge room....
Found him!
Here he is, in baby Nirvana surrounded by the upturned box of electrical cords, having an absolute ball.
That is, until he realised I'd found him.
I tell ya, I just saw a face I am sure that I will see quite a great deal in the next 18 years or so...I swear I could actually see his thought process. It went something like this...
"CRAP! She caught me. Ok, damage control time. Must....look....adorable. Nope, she still looks not happy. Time for plan B ...MUMMY LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!"
This is the point where he scooted his little bum around, got up on hands and knees and calmly crawled out of there. TA DA!
So now I can't help but wonder....
Is my child a mastermind? Does he get up in the middle of the night, push his little high chair to the computer and compete in chess competitions or write essays on Shakespeare?
Am I getting conned into changing all these nappies? Is he laughing at me the whole time?
Ooops lack of sleep is finally causing paranoia.
Who would want to write essays on Shakespeare??
Oh well, better go and get started...bet you Rusty can't open the child catches on the doors when he comes home.
Should be worth a giggle...
Now how shall I keep Blue entertained today? A walk, visit friends? Oh I know....
Did anyone see where I put the chess board?
Thanks for stopping by!
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 8:26 AM 1 comments
Grown Up's Chocolate Cake
September 26, 2009
I love deserts.
You know the kind I mean.
The sort where you convince your partner to share with you because you couldn't possibly eat an entire slice all by yourself - but then you polish it off before they even manage to lift their fork from the napkin??
Come on, tell me you do it to?
Don't leave me hanging here....
This choccy cake will take you from dinner party to BBQ and even to a kids birthday party just by changing the icing.
I've used a ganache for the adults but a chocolate buttercream would be divine too!
- 1 1/3 cup plain flour
- 2 tablespoon cocoa
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 200g good quality dark chocolate chopped
- 225g unsalted butter (at room temperature)
- 1 cup caster sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 125ml cream
- 20g butter
- Move your mixer down to medium speed and beat in vanilla and then eggs one at a time beating well after each addition.
- Pour in cooled chocolate mixture and beat until combined.
- Beat in a third of the sifted mixture, followed by a third of the milk - repeating until all is added.
- Beat until smooth but be careful not to overbeat as this will cause your cake to toughen and resemble a hockey puck!
- Bake for 45-55 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.
- Cool for 5 mins in pan before transfering onto cake rack to cool completely.
- Remove from heat and allow to cool and thicken for 30mins before slathering all over your finished cake.
- Dancing around the kitchen to bad country music while licking the bowl is entirely optional!
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 9:23 PM 3 comments
Cast of Characters Part 1. Meeting my boys!
September 25, 2009
I am lucky enough to have a lot of very special and important people in my life.

How cute is this little guy???

I'm sure everyone remembers the Black Saturday bushfires that Victoria experienced in Feb 09?

Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Labels: Confessions, Family
September 24, 2009
Hi There!
Welcome to Not a 1950's Housewife. My little corner of cyberspace.
My name is Dee and I am a 20 something mother of one, amateur foodie, out and proud shoe addict, former career woman and novice domestic goddess.
You can find me hiding in the suburbs here in Melbourne, Australia. But I was born and raised out in the country & I'm living proof that you can take the girl out of the country but not the country out of the girl.
After 7 years in the city I still believe that driving for an hour should take you to another town entirely, not three suburbs over.
I know, I need to let it go .....
Before having my son I worked in the wonderful, stressful and often frantic world of advertising.
I wore pencil skirts, towering stilettos and pantyhose to work. Drank real coffee and had lunch dates at trendy thai restaurants.....
Fast forward 7 months and now I'm at home raising my gorgeous, cheeky little man. I wear track pants and flats. Am now an instant coffee devotee (you can't get decent coffee out in the 'burbs) and lunch dates now involve going somewhere with supplied high chairs.
But you know what?
I wouldn't change it for the world!
So why am I here?
I love to cook and have a slight obsession with feeding people.....my most sincere apologies to my friends and family who have stacked on a few extra kilos since I've been home.
I'm not a perfect housekeeper and I'm learning as I go with some interesting results and an occasionally very frustrated better half.
And the best bit?
My family is insane and constantly keep me armed with fantastic stories which, although stranger than fiction are highly entertaining and just scream to be shared.
So thanks for stopping by. I hope you've enjoyed yourself.
I love to hear from people so please let me know what you think. What you'd like to see more of and what I should shut up about!
Posted by Dee @ Not a 1950's Housewife at 7:50 PM 0 comments