
September 24, 2009

Hi There!

Welcome to Not a 1950's Housewife. My little corner of cyberspace.
My name is Dee and I am a 20 something mother of one, amateur foodie, out and proud shoe addict, former career woman and novice domestic goddess.

You can find me hiding in the suburbs here in Melbourne, Australia. But I was born and raised out in the country & I'm living proof that you can take the girl out of the country but not the country out of the girl.

After 7 years in the city I still believe that driving for an hour should take you to another town entirely, not three suburbs over.
I know, I need to let it go .....

Before having my son I worked in the wonderful, stressful and often frantic world of advertising.
I wore pencil skirts, towering stilettos and pantyhose to work. Drank real coffee and had lunch dates at trendy thai restaurants.....

Fast forward 7 months and now I'm at home raising my gorgeous, cheeky little man. I wear track pants and flats. Am now an instant coffee devotee (you can't get decent coffee out in the 'burbs) and lunch dates now involve going somewhere with supplied high chairs.

But you know what?
I wouldn't change it for the world!

So why am I here?

I love to cook and have a slight obsession with feeding people.....my most sincere apologies to my friends and family who have stacked on a few extra kilos since I've been home.

I'm not a perfect housekeeper and I'm learning as I go with some interesting results and an occasionally very frustrated better half.

And the best bit?

My family is insane and constantly keep me armed with fantastic stories which, although stranger than fiction are highly entertaining and just scream to be shared.

So thanks for stopping by. I hope you've enjoyed yourself.

I love to hear from people so please let me know what you think. What you'd like to see more of and what I should shut up about!
