Short answer....No.
Really...My legs make the cast of Twilight look like they've just come back from Hawaii...
But when has that ever stopped me?
The yard at our house has absolutely nothing in it apart from grass - well mainly weeds with grass sharing the space and two garden sheds.
Why someone decided to build 2 large garden sheds facing each other instead of just once decent sized shed that I could lock Rusty in is of constant puzzlement to me - but thats ok. I'm used to being puzzled, it's a comfortable place for me.
Hmmm...maybe I forgot to mention that I have managed to kill just about everything I have ever planted before. Which Rusty takes great pleasure in reminding me...constantly...
I really should invest in a gag for him...or industrial ear plugs for me!
My plan is to literally make him eat his words. He'll be grateful when he is eating scrummy homegrown tomatoes and strawberries...right?
Anyhoo...I digress....I do that a bit you really have to try and keep me on track...
So my plan for today is to spray some herbicide on my horrible mixture of couch grass, onion weed and bindi thorns in the area I want to have the beds.
I know it's not the organic way to go but I am attempting to do all this with a 7month old strapped to me so unfortunately I am going the path of least resistance at the moment.
As soon as I have killed all the things I want killed (I am so hoping that I am not setting a precedent for my poor garden) I can turn over the soil....edge the beds and add some gypsum and compost to the soil as it's pretty heavy clay here....
Which apparently means that my vegies will get soggy feet and they don't like that...
I'll take some pic's throughout the process so you can see what I have been dealing with...
I'm also gonna make some mini greenhouses to raise some they actually grow....apparently this works....or maybe my dear old dad just likes making me look silly....both are distinct possibilities.
If anyone with a green thumb has any tips or tricks I would love to hear them...
I'll keep you posted!
PS: I have noooooo idea what is going on with my pics...they go funny when I try to upload them. I think there are gremlins in the blogger server!